Wandering Moggy docked in Tortola.
Looking through the forward windows.
Is Bill untidy or what?
Angela in her new job of winching in
boats in Nelsons Dockyard, Antigua
Mind you, I had to beat her regularly
to get her to winch faster!
How do you have your veggies
This is Gregory's floating fruit &
veg shop.
This is the volcano on St Lucia
venting sulphur
Wandering Moggy under sail off Bequia
Anyone for fish & chips?
Dinner arrives via the local fish
Trip of a lifetime!
Angela boarding Concorde in Barbados
for our trip to the UK - August 2003
Bill & Angela preparing for the "Trip
Of A Lifetime"
The new transporter, what every good
yachtsman needs?
Aliens or X Men? Who is after
them? Watch this space.
And when you have run out of money
why not try the new type of ATM machine with built-in security device.
ps Bill got 35 cents from crocs